stc 002

Misaki Kawai
"Pencil Exercise"

This is the first book of “stüccke” the series focusing on drawing.
An artist based in New York, Misaki Kawai is known for the vividly colored paintings in the everyday motif and the installations of humorous papier-mache objects. Besides, she keeps drawing huge quantities of line art and presenting some of them in the form of handmade zines, which have been invited to many art book fairs around the world, highly acclaimed and gaining a lot of fans in recent years.
Kawai herself admits that drawing is as important as painting or sculpture as a medium, which allows her to put down her ceaseless inspiration directly and shows her innocent and primitive touch. Her voluminous drawing collection book on a greater scale than a private zine has been much awaited in the world of art and art book.
The “Pencil Exercise” which contains 500 drawings selected from new works that she has been drawing for over a year is exactly what we have awaited. Please spend all day doing nothing but leafing through an enormous number of pages to immerse yourself in Kawai’s world.
By special binding named “EN Binding” (Utility Model Applied For), the book has a sharp and solid appearance with very soft spine and easily opens 180-degree. The front cover is a postcard which comes in 8 types.

182mm x 257mm / 1010p / black and white
500 drawings
Limited edition of 1000
Price: 6,476yen
Drawings by Misaki Kawai
Thanks to Take Ninagawa, Justin Waldron
Design by Shin Akiyama + Ayako Tsutsumi + Takuya Seki + Wataru Kobara / schtücco
Printed and bound by Print Designing
Patent EN Binding / utility model applied for
© 2011 Misaki Kawai
Courtesy of Take Ninagawa
All rights reserved.
Printed and bound in Japan

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  • 182mm x 257mm
    black and white
    500 drawings
    Limited edition of 1000

    Price: 6,476yen